The Chesapeake Division in Covid Time
All of you have noticed that the Division has been quiet of late. At this time last year we had a lineup of activities planned for 2020 and even when cases started to appear we still thought we would be able to hold them. Our Paymaster, David Arday, who is a physician for his day job, advised us that we should expect cases in the US to rise for a few weeks. Obviously that did not occur and we ended up canceling everything.
We did hold a zoom meeting later in the year but have not met since. I take the blame for that, we should have kept at it. It is now 2021, a new year. We hope that within a few months we may be able to consider meeting in person. I for one am desperate to do so; I expect many of you are as well.
Meanwhile, I have had time in the basement and have started the layout I have been planning since we moved into our house in May 2019.

As you can see, I have made progress this fall and winter. But I miss being able to show it off in person and can’t wait to invite people over to see.
Stay safe, get vacinated and we will all be able to get together this fall for the Convention – maybe sooner.
Tom Casey, Superintendent