CCRD Progress – 05 JAN 2020
Following is an update of work on the Division layout, which Travers and I spent time on yesterday. David was with us in spirit, but wasn’t able to be here physically as he had come down with a cold virus.
Recall David’s original list of critical items to be addressed (as conveyed in his email of December 2) was as follows:
1. Need to attach new side latches so that the layout can be properly aligned at setup and held in position during operation.
2. Need to fix two sections of dead track. I believe these can be fixed by simply soldering in place the presumably bad rail joiners, but if that doesn’t work may need to add jumper/feeder wires.
3. Repair minor damage to structures, including popped out windows and doors. This can be done off the layout.
4. Check and repair damaged freight cars. Issues include missing or broken couplers, as well as cosmetic damage such as broken or missing stirrup steps.
We had a very productive work session yesterday, accomplishing the following:
1. Installed latches to hold the two layout halves together.
2. Cleaned all track with Bright Boy. Rails show scratches and need polishing. (See item 6 of the supply list below.)
3. Cleaned wheels of DC test locomotive. (Need DCC power source and locomotive(s) for Timonium, as noted below.)
4. Soldered jumper wires to two dead sections of track. Tested and verified power at the track and proper operation of locomotive.
5. Verified proper operation of all track with a DC power supply and locomotive.
6. Checked operation of all turnouts.
7. Repaired one turnout and verified operation. (Needs to be re-checked; points may not throw completely with Atlas turnout control (manual cylindrical type). Will throw with finger to complete the motion.)
8. Identified a problem guard rail and noted it as an item to be repaired (see #5 below).
Following is a list of what remains to be done:
1. Label each track and industry spot (so operators know where to spot the car).
2. Label each turnout and place as-built listing into the documentation package in the three-ring binder.
3. Adjust track joint between the two halves of the layout on third track from front of layout.
4. Repair damaged freight cars. Issues include missing or broken couplers, as well as cosmetic damage such as broken or missing stirrup steps.
5. Check guardrail in reverse direction (from right to left) on rear industry track (right-hand side of layout).
6. Chamfer rails at joint where the two halves of the layout meet.
7. Clean ballast from points of turnout (left side fourth from front of layout).
8. Reattach various small parts that have become detached from the buildings and the pier.
9. Retract (pull away from track) horizontal support plates of flat girder bridge on side closest to front edge of layout (on track closest to front edge of layout) and attach with epoxy / contact cement.
10. Construct a block to prevent cars from rolling off the right edge of the layout. The block should be designed and constructed so as not to interfere with assembly of sections and end plates for shipping.
11. Identify location / placement of grey structure with platform (appears slightly large for likely space on layout). I think I figured out where the additional structures goes after Travers left (refer to leftmost structure, Abe’s Plumbing & Heating Supplies, in attached photo).
12. Devise operating scenarios (switch lists) for visitors.
13. Replace handles on end plates with larger ones to make it easier to grasp when shipping.
14. Provide DCC power source and locomotive(s) for Timonium.
15. Provide two weighted flat cars to use as reachers to keep engine off the car float.
16. Build and install additional structures, i.e. gantry crane, oil unloading platform, scenic area for team tracks, yard office, etc.
Travers and I generated the following list of supplies required to complete repairs of the layout and to get us operating at Timonium:
1. Bright Boy track cleaning block
2. Wheel stops for car float (to prevent cars from rolling off the end)
3. 3/4″ to 1″ flathead nails (as stops for turnout ground throws)
4. WD-40 contact solvent for cleaning / coating rails
5. Epoxy glue or contact cement
6. 800 grit Crocus cloth (for removing scratches from Bright Boy)
7. 1-1/4″ – 1-1/2″ #6 flathead sheet metal or drywall screws (countersink) (longer / stronger attachment of section clamps to benchwork)
8. Canopy glue (for small parts and roofs on structures)
9. Handles for carrying during transport (perhaps something similar to the following: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HQDXTF6/ref=cm_sw_r_em_api_i_r.IeEbKQRA6DC).
10. Pens, paper, papers clips for notes while operating
Since Travers and I met yesterday, I had occasion to visit my local Home Depot, where I purchased items 4 and 7. I believe I have item 3 in my collection of nails and screws. If not, I’ll obtain it during another trip to Home Depot. I could not find a ready supplier of Crocus cloth. At Travers suggestion, I checked for 800 grit Emory paper at my local Home Depot, but I could find only a three-pack of various grits, and the grits were specified only as coarse, medium, and fine, so I did not purchase it.
Kirk Bateman